New Refrigerant Requirements; Emerald’s New Model with R32 A2L Refrigerant Already In Testing

Opteon & Low Global Warming A2L Potential Refrigerants

The refrigeration industry is constantly changing. The original Fluorocarbons such as R22 and R502 have been totally phased out this year. ”Some HCFCs, like HCFC-22, are also a component in refrigerant blends. While these blends are not listed among the 34 controlled HCFCs, they are subject to the same rules because they contain Class II ODS. Common refrigerant blends that contain HCFC-22 include R-401A, R-402A, R-408A, R-409A, R-414B, and R-502A.” 1  They were replaced with HFCs that eliminated Ozone depletion. R410A and R134A are two examples that fall under that category both of which the ice3 Cubes presently use.

New Refrigerant Requirements

Now a new requirement has entered the industry: solve refrigerants that have charges less than 50 pounds and lower than a 700 Global Warming Potential. 700 Global Warming Potential is a measurement of Greenhouse gases trapped in the atmosphere. This concept is known as the C.A.R.B.  initiative to reduce Greenhouse gases. There was a point in time where Ammonia solved all of these requirements however safety concerns and leak potential of Ammonia have made recreational facilities look for alternatives. There are commercial chillers such as Trane and Carrier that have R134A refrigerants but the overall charge coupled with a GWP of 1430 rules this refrigerant out as a viable option for use in the ice3 Cubes.

Safe. Efficient. Productive.

After much engineering research, Emerald Environmental Technologies has analyzed the potential use of OPTEON XL20 & XL40 as well as R32 A2L refrigerants within the ice3 Cubes. The R32 A2L refrigerant (L stands for low combustibility hazard) rose above the other two refrigerants to have the least detrimental effect upon capacity while providing a 10% reduction in overall capacity reducing our 2545 model from 27 tons refrigeration to 25 tons refrigeration. R32 has a GWP of 670 and 0 Ozone Depletion combined with charges of less than 36 pounds per ice3 Cubes, Emerald Environmental Technologies will meet and exceed all three C.A.R.B. initiatives.

Leading the Way Utilizing R32 A2L Refrigerant

While these engineering and manufacturing changes are not an industry requirement yet, we are looking to stay 3 to 5 years ahead of the changes in our industry while providing our customers and community the safest and most cutting-edge refrigeration systems. Our Canadian customers have already accelerated the requirements with 2023 in mind. The new IC254532 model, utilizing R32 A2L refrigerant, is under construction now and will be fully tested at our manufacturing facility. Once it has passed all of our tests we plan on installing the model with the new refrigerant within an operational arena for Beta testing in actual rink scenarios. Stay tuned for more details and test results concerning this exciting new technology coming out of Emerald Environmental Technologies.

Request a Consultation

The expert team at Emerald Environmental Technologies can help define and customize which ice3 Cubes combinations are ideal for your community/municipal/outdoor, upgrade project, or collegiate rink. Emerald Environmental Technologies is based in New England and services the entire east coast up through Canada. Please